It's been a busy week! As we come close to the end of our focus on education about PTSD healing we covered Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Emotional Freedom Technique and Thought Field Therapy, plus the idea of surrounding ourselves with the right people while we heal. This is good, meaty stuff to keep our journeys moving forward.
Now, it's time for a rest. 'PTSD in the News' is temporarily suspended today due to the fact that it's my last day of vacation and I'm spending the day on the lake on a pontoon boat with a bunch of survivor friends in various stages of healing.
Sometimes, we just have to take a break from our journeys and go find something to enjoy for a change; to get outside of ourselves and our circumstances and remember what it's like to just live!
One of the women here with us has MS and I've been really inspired this week by the way she persists in going and doing and not missing a moment or experience despite her daily struggles.
In the spirit of transcendence and getting out of our heads, the 'Getting Needs' exercise below was sent to me by a blog reader. I like the way it encourages our imagination and guides us into the realm of possibility -- such an important thought process to develop, practice and believe in. Enjoy the visualization and the sense of peace. If you hear a splash, that'll be me diving in to the cool lake waters.
Picture yourself walking through a meadow. There is a path opening before you.
Picture yourself walking through a meadow. There is a path opening before you.
As you walk, you feel hungry. Look to your left. There’s a fruit tree in full bloom. Pick
what you need.
what you need.
Steps later, you notice you’re thirsty. On your right, there’s a fresh water spring.
When you are tired, a resting place emerges.
When you are lonely, a friend appears to walk with you.
When you get lost, a teacher with a map appears.
Before long, you notice the flow: need and supply; desire and fulfillment. A series of thoughts dawn on you:
Maybe Someone gave me the need because Someone planned to fulfill it.
Maybe I had to feel the need, so I would notice and accept the gift.
Maybe closing my eyes to the desire closes my arms to its fulfillment.
Demand and supply, desire and fulfillment – a continuous cycle, unless we break it.
All the necessary supplies have already been planned and provided for my journey.
Today, everything I need shall be supplied to me.
Today, everything I need shall be supplied to me.
Tomorrow everything you want will be waiting for you to decide to claim it.
(Photo: Old Shoe Woman)
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