Last night John and I went salsa dancing. When we came off the floor after a set a woman I’d never seen before reached out and touched my arm, Congratulations!, she said. I had no idea what she meant. On your dancing, she said in a Spanish accent. Your dancing: Beautiful! And with that she moved off into the crowd.
If she had seen me two years ago she would have bet good odds that I’d never be able to salsa. I couldn’t find the beat, and if I could, I couldn’t stay on it. I couldn’t move my feet that fast or follow anything but the most basic lead. I went forward when I should have gone back. The first night John took me to a Latin club I was a disaster.
My dance evolution happened slowly and now that it’s done I don’t think about it. But that woman was right: congratulations are in order!
Sometimes it takes someone from without to help you recognize and appreciate the progress you’ve made within.
And then, there are times you need to stop looking within and look without, like, say, at what’s going on in the PTSD world outside your head:
Let’s start with one for everyone:
If you haven’t caught up with Grey’s Anatomy lately, check out the Combat PTSD storyline here.
Civilian PTSD:
What is Psychological Trauma?
Scientists On Track To Erase Your Worst Fears
Eye See You: Brainspotting, A Cureall for Psychological Trauma, or Parlor Trick?
How Do I Calm Down and Deal with Stress?
Volunteers Sought For PTSD, Chronic Pain Study
If she had seen me two years ago she would have bet good odds that I’d never be able to salsa. I couldn’t find the beat, and if I could, I couldn’t stay on it. I couldn’t move my feet that fast or follow anything but the most basic lead. I went forward when I should have gone back. The first night John took me to a Latin club I was a disaster.
My dance evolution happened slowly and now that it’s done I don’t think about it. But that woman was right: congratulations are in order!
Sometimes it takes someone from without to help you recognize and appreciate the progress you’ve made within.
And then, there are times you need to stop looking within and look without, like, say, at what’s going on in the PTSD world outside your head:
Let’s start with one for everyone:
If you haven’t caught up with Grey’s Anatomy lately, check out the Combat PTSD storyline here.
Civilian PTSD:
What is Psychological Trauma?
Scientists On Track To Erase Your Worst Fears
Eye See You: Brainspotting, A Cureall for Psychological Trauma, or Parlor Trick?
How Do I Calm Down and Deal with Stress?
Volunteers Sought For PTSD, Chronic Pain Study
Combat PTSD:
United Kingdom - Stiff Upper Lip Does Not Help When It Comes To PTSD
British Soldiers Victims of Mental Conflict Without End
Australia – Soldiers Left To Fight the War Within
Germany – German Soldiers Increasingly Traumatized
America - U.S. Military Suicides May Surpass Combat Deaths
Seeking Virtual Cures
Senator Schuma Introduces (and passes) Bill to Improve Processing of VA Claims for PTSD
Bill Seeks To Increase Screenings For PTSD
How They Cope, Build Hope
Florida Colleges & Universities Brace for Influx of Veterans
The Release Technique, A Solution to Helping Veterans Suffering with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Expert Teaches Signs of Stress
Sunday is Vietnam Vets Day
Fort Hood Reset Program Teaches Soldiers To Leave ‘Battle Mind’ Behind
VA Hires Vets to Go Find Comrades Who Need Help
Fort Hood Reset Program Teaches Soldiers To Leave ‘Battle Mind’ Behind
VA Hires Vets to Go Find Comrades Who Need Help
(Photo: Sionfullana)
I'm enjoying finding you and your posts on Twitter. And I'm going to enjoy checking out all these links. Thanks!
@Marj - I think the best way to discover more avenues to healing is to keep informed!
In your surfing, let me know if you come across good articles or sites for PTSD and healing. I'm in the process of building a web site for Heal My PTSD, LLC - the goal is to pull all of the best healing resources together under one roof.
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