The usual BRIDGE THE GAP post is suspended today for a very important public service announcement:
Behind the scenes this month I'm working on writing copy for the Heal My PTSD, LLC, web site, which will launch in June. I want this to be the mother of all survivor-friendly sites for PTSD awareness, education, treatment and self-empowered healing. Covering and including all types of PTSD in every segment of the PTSD population, my goal is to design a site that is written with the survivor in mind. That means not a cold and clinical site, but a warm, informative, resource and inspiration driven, community-oriented site that speaks to and from the survivor experience rather than only speaking about it.
The Heal My PTSD, LLC, web site will be a clearinghouse for all kinds of PTSD experiences and needs. It will be a site built for the PTSD community, to help heal the PTSD community, so it's only fitting that it be built by the community.
In addition to the sources already available on our Information Page - plus any and all subjects/sources you particularly find helpful - I'd like to expand our coverage of the following topics:
- Traditional PTSD
- Complex PTSD
- Combat PTSD
- Post-Partum PTSD
- PTSD & Adolescents
- PTSD & Children
The Heal My PTSD, LLC, web site will be a clearinghouse for all kinds of PTSD experiences and needs. It will be a site built for the PTSD community, to help heal the PTSD community, so it's only fitting that it be built by the community.
In addition to the sources already available on our Information Page - plus any and all subjects/sources you particularly find helpful - I'd like to expand our coverage of the following topics:
- Traditional PTSD
- Complex PTSD
- Combat PTSD
- Post-Partum PTSD
- PTSD & Adolescents
- PTSD & Children
- PTSD treatment
- Alternative PTSD treatment
- Blogs of suvvivors striving to heal PTSD
As I and some volunteers work to pull together the best resources for the site, I'm asking you to lend your voice, too. Please send me links to your favorite sites for all kinds of PTSD information, plus your favorite PTSD blogs, and PTSD and healing related books, too.
If you have found something worthwhile I want to know about it! And if you'd like to join our volunteeer crew, let me know. A party gets even better when more people arrive.
Please leave a comment or email links and info to: parasitesof.themind@yahoo.comI look forward to hearing from you, and to working together to put in one single place the resources all of us need!
(Photo: Luluinnyc)
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