A sort of light newsweek, but still some interesting topics.....
First, how do we feel about this:
The psychiatric community recently discussed at a conference the idea of Post-Traumatic Embitterment Disorder. Modeled after PTSD this is a ‘mental illness’ of people who are wronged and then seethe with the need for revenge.
The psychiatric community recently discussed at a conference the idea of Post-Traumatic Embitterment Disorder. Modeled after PTSD this is a ‘mental illness’ of people who are wronged and then seethe with the need for revenge.
Are we feeling generous enough to let them co-opt our lingo? Does feeling embittered qualify on the same level as feeling life-threatened? Or, are you really just sore and a little more OCD than PTSD?
General PTSD
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common PTSD symptom – here, A Holistic Approach to Healing IBS
As far away as Thailand People Tap to Heal
Combat PTSD
Auburn, WA – Restoring the Earth Helps Vets Heal – Green education and employment opportunities help vets re-enter civilian life with purpose
Dr. Sanjay Gupta Talks PTSD
Greenbrae, CA – Marin Services for Women to Help Female Vets
Washington – ‘Real Warriors’ Campaign Takes Aim At Mental Health Stigma
Dr. Sanjay Gupta Talks PTSD
Greenbrae, CA – Marin Services for Women to Help Female Vets
Washington – ‘Real Warriors’ Campaign Takes Aim At Mental Health Stigma
‘Beyond Tribute’ Launch Redefines Memorial Day to Support PTSD Vets
Book Looks at Effects of Combat Stress on WWII vets
Facts About Military Women In Iraq and Afghanistan
Acupuncture Provides Relief for U.S. Soldiers & Vets
Top 10 Veterans News From Around the Country
House Veterans Affairs Committee Holds Roundtable for Female Vets
Wounded Warrior Takes Key VA Post
Puget Sound, WA – Healing Combat Trauma with Mindfulness Program
(Photo: Darco Drincic)
"Post-traumatic embitterment disorder"?! Well, I guess the bigwigs who are designing the next edition of the DSM will have to subset *all* the emotions that trauma into disorders ...
Bitterness is one of the inevitable feelings that follow in the wake of trauma ... I suppose that it could become "disordered" if it were to persist for a long, long time ...
Is that meant to be one of those new-fangled designer disorders? The kind where, if someone really really tried to restrain their bad behaviour, they might just manage to keep a lid on it? I don't know, perhaps I'm being insensitive to those who are seriously bitter about their lives. But then, learning to get over bitterness might be as simple as spending six months living in India.
Wheras, I doubt that's gonna help someone get through their PTSD!
Sounds to me like someone has a new drug in the works, so they need a problem for their "solution".
I like the "prescription" for 6 months in India. It would probably be a lot more lasting than a psychopharmacological fix.
What ever happened to the old school approach of just dealing with things and getting on with life? Of course, there are disorders. Of course, there are conditions that need to be dealt with. But we already have a time-tested cure for bitterness -- a bunch of them, in fact.
Gratitude for what you DO have, instead of bitterness over what you've lost, is a good starting place.
Ha! You all had my exact reaction! Wouldn't it be a luxury to be embittered and not enduring nightmares, flashbacks, insomnia, numbing, etc.? Wouldn't it be nice just to feel rage but not chronic fatigue, joint pain and anxious fear?
I'm interested to see how and whether or not this new category comes about and ends up in the DSM-IV. Doesn't it seem like the industry is a little too label happy? Because you're right, whatever happened to just getting over it when all that's bothering you is a sense of injustice? Geez, I wish that's all that had been bothering me!
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