So, we’re at the end of our first month of the BRIDGE THE GAP healing process. How’s it going? Post a comment, shoot me an email; let me know how you’re doing.
I’m proud of you for taking these first steps and making it this far! You deserve a break this weekend. Kick back, relax. Congratulate yourself for learning how to:
1 - craft your healing intention
2 - define what you want
3 - make the commitment to heal
4 - banish doubt
5 - get in touch with your courage
6 – understand your fear
7 – boost your belief in healing
8 - support the healing process
I’m proud of you for taking these first steps and making it this far! You deserve a break this weekend. Kick back, relax. Congratulate yourself for learning how to:
1 - craft your healing intention
2 - define what you want
3 - make the commitment to heal
4 - banish doubt
5 - get in touch with your courage
6 – understand your fear
7 – boost your belief in healing
8 - support the healing process
With the completion of this month’s work you’ve formed a solid foundation on which to build the rest of your healing journey. When we begin to work on Healing PTSD Resolution No. 2 (on Monday), you’ll be cracking the statistic of that 89% of people who give up on their New Years resolutions by the end of January. You will be in the top 11% of people who get things done; an elite club indeed. So….
Bravo! Well done! I salute you. I applaud you. I honor you and your desire to heal. I support your decision to keep on truckin’ and leave the past in the dust – exactly where it belongs.
(photo: Scandblue)